Sig Sauer - Slide Milling Service - Single Top Port

SAS Tactical Customs

Regular price $30.00 Sale

This is for the milling of a single top front port.

Slide refinish is optional, but not required. Indicate color choice in notes section of shopping cart. To view Cerakote H-Series colors, visit their website.

This service can be performed on any slide, but the layout will be adjusted to best suit each model slide profile.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Michael Brown

Great work cleaning up a mistake from an attempted DIY project so thanks. There wasn't much communication. I responded to request for clarity on color, but never heard back after I picked. I also sent a follow up checking in on the status that went unanswered.
Maybe gray wasnt an option? It showed up black a couple of weeks later and it isnt the best work. So 9 out of 5 on the milling/metal work, 2 out of 5 on communication, 3 out of 5 on coating. Id rather give all high fives because they saved us having to buy a completely new slide with the milling, but this was the experience.

I'm astonished that a customer sends a slide that was chewed up with a power drill and almost unsaveable. We saved the slide with a very nice and clean slide port that removed ALL of the customers fuck up, however they claim our machining is Go look in the mirror at your own work. I guess they are fine with junk, but just want to complain after being helped out to save hundreds of dollars on a slide. Note to ourselves, let the next customer suffer and buy a new slide. Try to help and be nice and get ridiculed about it. Side note, we never received an email about color, so black is default.